Museum of the Origins of Man


clikka per ingrandire l'immagine

Fig. 4.32) Rock sculptures. They represent two big human heads. The head on the right looks forward, the one on the left is looking upward. This group is called " the great couple of Tiglieto ".
Size: height over m 5.
Location: Tiglieto, Genoa, Italy (under the road on the border with Savona Province). This photograph dates 1969; currently the sculptures are covered by a pine forest.
Material Culture: Mousterian or Upper Paleolithc.
The man on the right seems to be followed by the other man. Maybe they are a male and a female; in such a case, it could be the first Paleolithic representation of the male and female couple, which has clear evidence in post-paleolithic religions. The shoulders are outlined, as seen in the drawing. The represented human types have characters close to Homo sapiens neanderthalensis.

clikka per ingrandire l'immagine

Fig. 4.33) Rock sculpture. It represents a colossal human head in frontal view.
Size of the face, and not of the cliff: m 7 approximately height and m 4 wide. The cliff on the head could be a hat.
Location: Rocche di Borzone, Borzonasca, Genoa, Italy. (Altitude m 500 approx.)
Material Culture: Mousterian or Upper Paleolithc
The sculpture is called the "megalithic Face of Borzone" by the valley people. It must be visited in winter, when the plants have no leaves. It must be visited in winter, when the plants have no leaves. A paper on this sculpture is published on Paleolithic Art Magazine : "The megalithic face of Borzone", by P. Gaietto, 2000.

Fig. 4.34) Whangape Colossus, rock sculpture.
It represents a human face (see drawing below the photo).
Size of the face: height m 7.
Location: Whangape, Hokianga, New Zealand.
Material Culture: Upper Paleolithic.
Photo by R.Buchanan
A paper about this sculpture is published on Paleolithic Art Magazine: "The Whangape Colossus of New Zealand attributed to the Upper Paleolithic", by P.Gaietto, 2002




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